Monday, June 16, 2014

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Win one of 5 copies of the ebook Extending Bootstrap


Bootswatch is giving away five copies of Extending Bootstrap by Christoffer Niska.
Extending Bootstrap covers more advanced ground compared to Packt’s previous offering, Twitter Bootstrap Web Development How-To. Topics include when and how to apply Bootstrap themes, make custom builds using LESS and Grunt, and create custom JavaScript plugins. It touches on some similar topics as my Smashing Magazine article on customizing Bootstrap, but adds highly guided walkthroughs and examples.
To find out more about the book, visit the publisher site or Amazon.

Enter to Win

Five lucky entrants will win an ebook copy of Extending Bootstrap. Enter to win using the form below by Friday, June 27.
Winners will be selected at random. Please do not submit multiple entries. Your email address will be used for this contest and nothing else.
Don’t forget to tell your friends and colleagues about this giveaway, and subscribe byRSS or email to get future updates. Good luck!
Giveaway Entry Form


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